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Comentarios (2)

Thad - 2 Noviembre 04:26

I am a beautiful blonde 26 years old and I dedicate myself to please demanding men,, everything that your partner does not let you do you can fulfill

Koenen - 11 Diciembre 22:28

Sabemos que este es un momento importante para ti. Echa un vistazo a todas las chicas rusas que trabajan en nuestra agencia.

Aflalo - 8 Augusto 17:10

I am a pan cis-male with multiple non-visible disabilities and I appreciate this so much. One disability I have is Bipolar II Disorder and as a result I'm on a lot of heavy psych meds. This makes it extremely hard for me to orgasm or hold an erection if I'm not focusing really hard. It's super embarrassing and difficult to deal with emotionally. Most people simply don't understand. Thank you for helping. Thank you for everything you do.

Garay - 19 Augusto 20:40

This woman is my neighbor and srokes my jizzum out whenever I need her to.

Nelia - 29 Diciembre 17:08

i wanna try so bad dont know where to try:( help